Startup founder's mindset: do you really have what it takes to be a successful founder
In this article, we will look at what it takes to become a successful startup founder.
Growth hacks for startups
Growth hacks for start-ups can be an effective and often inexpensive way to help your start-up business or venture acquire new and loyal customers, sell services and products, and establish brand recognition
How to identify product/market fit signals (pre product/market fit growth hacking)
Product/market fit is a scenario that occurs when a business’s value proposition, its customers, and its distribution channels finally sync.
Make your startup fundable with profitable customer acquisition
Are you struggling to convince investors to back your startup? You’re not alone, but the reason for your difficulties
How to validate a startup business idea with $0
You can't start making those investments until you've validated your idea. So do the work and cycle through as many ideas as possible where your only investment is time.
Strategies for growing your startup with content marketing
If you’re in the world of business, you probably know the importance of continually expanding to be successful. And
How to structure a perfect pitch deck to get funded
Making a pitch can be nerve-wracking. But if you have a solid structure, you can present your business in a way that will intrigue and interest investors.
How your startup can use influencer marketing
Influencer marketing can be a great way to reach a larger audience and achieve your business goals. By following these tips, you'll be on your way to running a successful influencer marketing campaign.
SaaS growth hacks
Out in the big wide world, there are many SaaS growth hacks for you to discover. In fact, there is
Guide to necessary startup marketing metrics: CAC, ROI & LTV
There are essentially 3 metrics you need to care about in the early days: CAC, ROI, LTV.
How to make your startup fundable (bootstrappers' guide)
It's rare that anyone will be as passionate about your startup as you are. Sure, you can sell people on your grand vision, but it's going to be challenging to secure buy-in unless you can back that up with cold, hard financials.
Early-stage startup funding: what to expect H2/2022
As reported by CB Insights, global funding for startups dropped by almost 25% between Q1 and Q2. Similarly, US startup
CGO: new CMO of a startup founding team
Before discussing the Chief Growth Officer and how it’s the new Chief Marketing Officer, having a firm grasp on
A startup founder’s guide to building an inbound talent pipeline
Countless startups begin with one or two founders sitting around a kitchen table and developing an idea. The months and years following…
Absolute beginner’s guide to growth hacking for startups
Growth hacking is an experiment-driven technique to determine the most effective ways of growing a business.
Beyond lead generation: sales and customer success growth hacking
Growth hacking is mostly focused on initial marketing or lead generation. But what happens after that?
Transformation from a sales driven B2B to inbound driven growth
"We got to 1M€ ARR by doing outbound sales and now want to test inbound." Say no more!
Let's learn Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) value generation with Galactic Gaylords NFT
If Galactic Gaylords can do it, so can you.