3 SEO tips: how to optimize your startup's search engine visibility (1/3)
This series is a list of SEO tips that will help you get noticed online and increase your visibility.
Venture capital investor & ex growth operator from idea to Series A. Here I share learnings on how to take your startup from zero to seed. Join my weekly newsletter of 1000+ subscribers for weekly advice.
This series is a list of SEO tips that will help you get noticed online and increase your visibility.
Follow the guidelines here and use the examples as inspiration to create OKRs that keep your team motivated and set them up for long-term success.
In this article, I will show you how to make growth hacking work by reducing it to its barebones: test iteration.
A key lever to scalable growth for any startup is understanding the most profitable traction channels and automating them.
Here are some tips to get started and some pitch deck examples you can take inspiration from.
Marketing automation allows you to build communication at scale and is a vital trait for any startup planning to succeed.