Growth Hacking Internship

Herizon arranges a 2 month intensive growth hacking internship during which you will learn hands-on growth hacking methods by solving weekly growth challenges for our portfolio companies and other hand-picked early-stage startups.

When I started at in 2019, I realized it would make a major difference if I was able to build a cross-functional growth team in every single one of our portfolio companies.

However, there weren't experienced cross-functional growth teams in Nordics and Baltics.

Therefore I decided to train them myself.

Since then I've trained 100+ individuals from various backgrounds to run systematic test iteration processes (cross-functional growth hacking) in early-stage startups to accelerate learning and implement growth culture in the company from the very beginning.

Most of these individuals are now working in 100+ early-stage startups of the ecosystem in growth, marketing, or operations functions.

With an over 90% hiring rate, the program is also validated to be one of the most effective ways to employ educated immigrants who have struggled to find a job in the Nordics/Baltics without knowing the local language and having a professional network.

In 2022 I founded a non-profit association to scale the program. Apply as a company or as an intern by clicking the link below.

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Get started with cross-functional growth hacking used in hundreds of startups in Nordics and Baltics.

Guides and templates
Guides Strategic Growth Hacking Operating SystemGet started with cross-functional growth hacking used in hundreds of startups in Nordics and Baltics.Mari LuukkainenMari LuukkainenGet started with Strategic Growth Hacking Operating SystemA process guide for Strategic Growth Hacking Operating System and Growth Dashboard by Mari Luukkainen.Mari LuukkainenMari LuukkainenStrategisen kasvuhakkeroinnin metodiOpas siiloriippumattoman